Friends of the Lions
The Friends of the Lions program is designed to allow people who, for various reasons, either can’t or don’t want to commit to full-time membership in the Bolingbrook Lions Club.
Friends of the Lions are individuals who want to give something back to the community or believe in the Lions mission of providing vision, hearing, and other humanitarian service to the Bolingbrook community.
The Bolingbrook Lions Club has numerous opportunities for volunteers. We hold various fundraising activities that help is always welcome. We provide several vision and hearing screenings throughout the year that also offer volunteer opportunities.
Simply put, the Bolingbrook Lions Club is in need of volunteers. This project has been started to help in that capacity.
We are looking for friends who have a day, an hour, a skill, or want to meet new friends in the community, be as active as you want. You can meet new friends who would like to help in Bolingbrook Lions worthwhile efforts in the Bolingbrook Community.
To this end we have opened email account. Those that join are ranks will receive periodic emails that tell of upcoming events and times volunteers are needed. You can also e-mail us for more information.
They will be invited to all Bolingbrook Lions events if they would like to attend. You may accept the online offer to help or simply wait for something else.
Please consider joining and asking a friend to join in our wonderful organization.
You can find out more about the Bolingbrook Lions Club by visiting us on Facebook.